
Date, Banana & Walnut Oatmeal Bowl {vegan & sugar free}

005 017An Open Letter to Green Smoothies:

I urge you to not take this personally. I really do appreciate you and the energy you provide. However at this time you do not meet the criteria that makes me want to jump out of bed first thing in the morning when its -25 outside. Furthermore you do not make me feel good when you send an icy shiver down my spine. You do not make the chilly transition from fleecy pyjama set to clothes very easy. On that note you don’t even fill the deep dark cave I call my tummy. (but we wont get into that)


Hungry & Cold

Happy Frosty Thursday everyone 🙂 This morning as I was begrudgingly digging myself out of my mile-high duvet, I had a craving for something sweet and filling. Like a cinnabon. or banana cake or poutine. I just couldn’t face another green smoothie morning with the wack temperatures that are happenin’ out there.

My healthy options weren’t looking too promising. I was too famished to squander minutes making waffles or pancakes or other baked wonders. Oatmeal didn’t tempt me much… I find it hard to enjoy oatmeal without brown sugar, anyone else? You can try and pretend to enjoy it with just fruit but it most likely reminds you of soft cement.

ENTER the Date, Walnut and Banana oatmeal bowl; The dates and banana transform it into something so  sweet and pleasing you will think you are eating dessert for breakfast. Equally filling and warming, you will wonder where its been all your life. Perfect for the coldest days of the year. (more…)

Loaded Quinoa Breakfast Bowl

IMG_8905IMG_8901Quinoa for breakfast is not a new ‘Ah-ha moment’ apparently…  queen Martha’s been doing it for ages. If you are are someone who likes her oatmeal as much as the next girl, but has issues with the sludge/glue/mushy textural aspect of it, you will be enthralled by quinoa in the AM. (more…)

Cola Glazed Salmon with Bok Choi


Iv never met a smoke detector I could get along with.

Granted, they save lives and all of that wonderful stuff… I am grateful for them in that way.                       But nothing kills a shiraz and salmon cooking buzz faster than being interrogated by an ear blasting alarm every time I open my slightly smoky oven.

My bad luck with sensitive smoke detectors has only been accentuated upon relocation to my humble  little apartment in Wollongong, Australia.  It became clear right away that my tiny kitchenette was no match for my spastic cooking, fogging up furiously at the first sign of smoky bacon grease. (more…)